Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A(n) Eulogy

Granddad, as of last Friday
you are dead. I can't say
that I knew you because
I didn't know you-- you let
the woman that you married
after your first wife died

do your talking,
but it wasn't your talking.
It was her talking
and you made good children,
five between you and your first wife;
I have always preferred them

over the four you inherited
when you married your second.
Now I think that you never spoke
and there was a reason why you
never spoke. Now I think
it is not a coincidence

that you died two days
before Christmas when your
first wife died two days after,
all those years before. Now I wish
you good luck, and I wish
that you had spoken.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

May the fires burn him whole
may the waters cleanse his soul
may the earth reclaim his bones
and may the four winds blow him safely home.

Sorry for your loss. Blessings for your path. Strength for your voice.

7:52 AM  

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