Do You Remember
when I told you about that time that I was in my bedroom and then I blacked out and then I woke up in a circular room, spinning, around and around spinning, and there were all these candles and things all over and somebody had obviously spent a hell of a long time lighting all the candles and I wasn't creeped out really because the room was white? Yeah, what I didn't tell you was that I had just attempted to read something not unlike this:
This quote, if you're hellbent on experiencing the circular white candleroom for yourself, is from Ron Silliman's 11/10 post.
As I think about that incident now, I probably should have been freaked out when I woke up. Whoever painted that room white was crafty. Crafty and clever enough to lull me into a false sense of security, anyway. I can well imagine my initial reaction had the color of the room been, say, black. Or red. Or red AND black. Or even white with a bunch of red speckles.
The subject of narrative form-building and it’s role in creative music is a complex subject that establishes at least four areas of ‘subject-focus’ that can be isolated for discussion, that being: 1) that the base nuclear logic that defines cognition is a tri-centric thought unit that cannot be properly transmitted ( or understood) without some inclusion of a ‘corresponding- poetic’ logic (association/binder) that respects the experiences of the ‘living person’ (the actual ‘experien-cier’). 2) that narrative form building is directly related to the form of evolution that produced the ‘modern-era’ and should not be discarded, 3) that the challenge of the next time cycle transcends two-diminsional modeling constructs and instead calls for a fresh unit of perception that recognizes target ‘sub-level experiences’ ( that included intention, and ‘vibrational-spectra’).¹
This quote, if you're hellbent on experiencing the circular white candleroom for yourself, is from Ron Silliman's 11/10 post.
As I think about that incident now, I probably should have been freaked out when I woke up. Whoever painted that room white was crafty. Crafty and clever enough to lull me into a false sense of security, anyway. I can well imagine my initial reaction had the color of the room been, say, black. Or red. Or red AND black. Or even white with a bunch of red speckles.
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