Thursday, November 17, 2005

Here's A Question

for all my faithful readers out there.

As you may know, I currently have email through hotmail. Namely, goddamnbigcar_AT_hotmail_DOT_com

Just like you, I hate hotmail. So I tried signing up for gmail. Unfortunately, they apparently have some sort of profanity filter or something, so I couldn't get the user name that I wanted. I had to settle on goddambigcar_AT_gmail_DOT_com

So now what do I do? On the one hand, I really hate hotmail. On the other, I have to butcher that perfectly legitimate word in order to have gmail.

Decisions, decisions. What to do. What to do.

Quick, what's your vote? Which one should I use?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd go gmail and settle for the Holden Caulfield spelling of "goddam." (Right?) I had to compromise my nickname to join gmail ("Amnaz" has only one "z" but my handle had to be six characters or longer). Personal sacrifice is good karma.

6:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you try godamnbigcar


anyway, if you stay at hotmail yr
already the big compromiser aren't u?

i vote the gspot

1:42 PM  
Blogger The Vicar said...

I know. That's why it's a dilemma. I'm a compromiser any which way I choose.

12:13 AM  

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