Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'm Just A Panic-Stricken Waste, I'm Such A Jerk

I think I have an ulcer. What makes me think I have an ulcer? I have a pain in my chest/stomach, in the solar-plexus region. And I found blood. On my ass. Yes, I explore my ass a lot.

So I have an ulcer. I've been trying to figure out why. As near as I can tell, it could be one of two reasons: 1) my diet, which consists of A) ramen noodles, B) alcohol, C) nicotine, and D) caffeine, or 2) stress. What could be stressing me? Not a lot. Just that I was a fucking jerk to the first woman who's been decent to me in how long? Too long. So now I feel shitty. Real shitty. And I have an ulcer. Maybe it's a combination of those two things. Maybe I need to eat greeny vegetables. Maybe I need more sleep. Maybe I really hope it's #2, because I very much enjoy B, C, and D, and would hate to give them up.

Oh Lawdy, the drama that I make of my life.


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